Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beautiful Creatures Book Review

Yes, I know this took me way too long. It wasn't completely my fault (I'm clearly avoiding full responsibility like an adult), the book is VERY long and was very, very slow for nearly half of it (I'm clearly expecting you to accept my excuse as a good one). The main reason why I didn't get done reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl is thanks to my wonderful gift of being driven to distraction. This past January and much of February has been eventful, but it was all up to me as to whether or not I was going to make time for myself. I took the backseat and now I am behind in many of what I consider my priorities, which includes this blog. The best apology I can give is to catch up ASAP.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Warm Bodies Film Review (...and Me Kicking Myself)

I got to see Warm Bodies last night! By the time I got back home, I was incredibly exhausted from my long week at work and too tired to keep my eyes open to stare at any other screen for the rest of the evening. I was committed to writing my review in the morning. Of course I get up too late and the rest of the day I'm left in charge of cleaning the house by myself, making dinner, and having guests all night long while my father talks until 11pm even though I have work tomorrow at 7am. Alas, it is Saturday evening, but I suppose now is better than later.

Critical Cuts