Sunday, October 27, 2013

Life Update

So, life isn't going as smoothly as I'd like. My current job dealt me a terrible hand (which I will not describe), so to support myself I've decided to reduce my hours and pick up another job and, hopefully, a third job soon.

I've decided to tutor writing and am trying to get a marketing position at a driving school. The people there seem pretty decent and the money sounds good. I just need to get my references together (which is taking longer than I thought since most people don't like to check their emails). My college, for whatever reason, never received my last payment, so I have an extra fee on my shoulders from which I hope I can argue out. I also need to straighten out arrangements for a session of one of my classes I'm currently taking. Oh, and I need to finish up the brochures for the driving school that I said I'd draft. (Long story on that one; explaining not necessary.) I also need to grab a hold of a decent LSAT prep book and visit a couple of universities to see if I could take a class next spring or fall. In other words, there's a lot going one besides my usual grind, but I'll live.

I'd like to post some of my short stories up here, too. I think it would be good practice and, if there are people out there who would feel compelled to comment on them, I'd really like to hear whatever advice I could get.

It actually feels good to be back blogging. I need to get back on track with my homework, so I'll keep this post brief. I'm taking a creative writing course and a film course for fun, but I'd like to get my money's worth and bust my ass. It's how I learn. It's also giving me the courage to go back to school for another degree. In case you haven't guessed yet, I think I'm ready for a J.D. Let's see how far I go with that idea.


  1. InshAllah everything will be fine! Life has always ups and downs for everyone! I would to read your short stories btw! :)

    1. Thank you for your support. Alhamdulillah, it's also nice to know someone reads my blog! :)


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