Friday, January 25, 2013

Warm Bodies Prequel for 1/28 Release!

Yes, it turns out Isaac Marion wrote a prequel to his wonderful zombie romance Warm Bodies, entitled The New Hunger! It's official release date will be in just three more days, January 28, 2013. And my Barnes and Noble did not get an advanced readers copy. NOT FAIR!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Warm Bodies Book Review

I'm so glad I've gotten around to writing this before the film adaptation is released in theaters! While I am not a staunch believer of reading originals before watching adaptations, I still believe that having experienced one format will influence the reception of the other. In other words, it is best for me to get this out of the way before I allow the film to "contaminate" my opinion of the book, so to speak.

I first heard of Warm Bodies while working at Barnes and Noble, attempting to find a copy for a customer. I usually don't read books about zombies, just watch TV shows and movies or read graphic novels about them, but I was intrigued after hearing that the zombies in this story are for the most part "sentient." I like unique twists on themes I already enjoy and, after learning that a film was going to be made based on the story, I was compelled to grab a copy of my own. I am very pleased I did.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I've finally decided to update this blog! There was a previous post, but I removed it, as it was posted during a time when this blog had a very different, angst-ridden intention; it didn't go very well as evident by my complete lack of posts for more than a year. Digital open diaries are simply too awkward at least for me.

Critical Cuts