Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I've finally decided to update this blog! There was a previous post, but I removed it, as it was posted during a time when this blog had a very different, angst-ridden intention; it didn't go very well as evident by my complete lack of posts for more than a year. Digital open diaries are simply too awkward at least for me.

As a fan of film, television, books, and (sometimes) intelligent material, I declare that this blog be a place where I share some of my opinions as often as I can! I cannot promise how regularly I shall make posts, but I realistically imagine myself publishing something no less than once every week. It may not be the most enlightening piece of written material that has ever landed on the internet, but then again standards are incredibly low throughout the Web to begin with. I hope that I should be no less than "average" in quality. Anyway, my idea is that I will typically give a heads-up prior to whenever I am about to post a review about something just to get you anticipating and excited.

For instance, in the next couple of days you should see a blog about Isaac Marion's book Warm Bodies. I've had this lovely book recommended to me since last summer and have finally gotten around to reading it December 2012 once I heard a movie based on it and of the same name is coming out February 1, 2013. I just finished the book (thanks to good ol' holiday season life-lag), so I am pleased to say my book review will be at least 1.5 weeks apart from my movie review. In other words, I hope to see the film opening night and post my reflections about it ASAP!

While I can't watch every movie in theaters opening night, or even every movie that ever comes out, period, I hope to find myself joining as many Thursday night seating queues as my life allows. Unfortunately, film-watching is a hobby for me, not a means of living. I must also note that while I love film and television, I am a total amateur critic, not a professional in the slightest. This goes for pretty much everything I'll post in terms of reviews. Nonetheless, I still hope you'll enjoy what I have to say. :)

I really look forward to all non-hostile comments! Please don't be shy, but don't be a troll, either. All friendly words are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making this blogs ,so that we can share our thought or idea about it. I am looking forward to your blogs.


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